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Episode 13 - Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya

07 May 2016 • Episode 13 : Episode 13 - Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya

Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya Season 7
TV Shows
Audio Languages :
ประเภท :

Parental pressure for children to excel in their studies is very high and it is even higher if your mother is the college Principal. Aditya had somewhere lost himself in fulfilling the academic targets set out by his mother, Mrs. Surbhi Sanghavi, the Principal of his college. Mrs. Sanghavi obviously had to prove a point that her son is the best academically but she forgot that he is not a machine and that extracurricular activities are as important as academics for the grooming of a student. This constant pressure crippled Aditya’s morale and he functioned as directed by his mother. Things changed when Tiasha joined college. She was a free-spirited musician, who was more interested in pursuing a career in music had already started by uploading her pieces online and was slowly heading towards being a sensation, she had a growing youth fan base and was quite popular with them. Aditya saves Tiasha from an embarrassing situation at the fresher’s party and for her it is love at first sight. Despite the constant attention from Tiasha, Aditya is very uptight and she fails to understand the reason behind it. Tiasha’s feelings are so strong that she comes out and proposes to him which he blatantly refuses but later regrets. Aditya’s feelings for Tiasha take over him and he confesses his love for her but all hell breaks loose when his grades fall and his mother realizes that the reason behind that. Will Aditya’s mother ever accept his relationship with Tiasha or is this the end of the road for them? To know more, watch Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya, Friday 7 PM.

Details About Pyaar Tune Kya Kiya Season 7 Show:

Release Date
7 May 2016
  • Romance
Audio Languages:
  • Hindi
TV Shows By Language
Hindi TV Shows