Directed by Prabal Baruah, Khoj is a ZEE5 Original web series. This psychological suspense thriller revolves around a man’s search for his missing wife. Khoj - Parchaiyo ke Uss Paar has a lot of twists and secrets and explores deep emotions and relationships. The drama web series features Sharib Hashmi, Anupriya Goenka, Aamir Daalvi in lead roles.
A man’s search for his missing wife turns into a gripping mystery where reality and lies become hard to tell apart. Khoj - Parchaiyo ke Uss Paar tells a suspenseful story full of twists and secrets. As the truth slowly comes to light, the mystery deepens, keeping the audience hooked. The tale explores trust, deception, and the hidden layers of relationships, making it both emotional and thrilling. With every new discovery, the story becomes more intense, taking viewers on a journey full of surprises and suspense.
The Khoj web series features Sharib Hashmi as Ved Khanna, Anupriya Goenka as Meera Khanna, Aamir Daalvi as Amol Sathe, among others.
Since ZEE5 acquired the streaming rights to the series, you can stream Khoj web series online on the streaming service. Khoj is set for a worldwide premiere on December 27, 2024, on ZEE5. By signing up and getting a subscription to ZEE5, you can explore Sharib Hashmi web series, Anupriya Goenka web series, and more online.
Ans. The hindi suspense web series delves into identity, trust, and the human mind's fragility. Khoj - Parchaiyo ke Uss Paar showcases intense emotions and revelations, exploring the lies we tell others and ourselves in a suspense-filled quest for truth.
Ans. Prabal Baruah is the director of the Khoj web series.
Ans. Khoj - Parchaiyo ke Uss Paar is a psychological thriller web series.
Ans. Sharib Hashmi, Anupriya Goenka, Aamir Daalvi are the lead actors in Khoj web series.
Ans. The web series premiered exclusively on ZEE5 on December 27, 2024. ZEE5 subscribers can watch Khoj web series online on ZEE5.
Web-series Released Date | 27 Dec 2024 |
Total Episodes | 7 |
Audio Langauges |
Genres | Thriller Drama Suspense |