7 Times Comedy Khiladigalu Left Us Rolling On The Floor With Laughter


June 16, 2020

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1 min

The Kidnapped Girl

Act 3

Unfortunately, Comedy Khiladigalu 3  has come to an end and we can’t wait for its next season. Meanwhile, here are some of the most memorable acts of the Season that will make you laugh every time you watch it. 

The act revolved around a group of men who have kidnapped a girl. However, this in turn, becomes a venture of torture for them.

The Single Mother Act

Source: ZEE5

This act by Santosh, Gajendra, and Chandrashekhar with their team, portrayed a mother, who single-handedly brings up her children with all the values and morals that they should imbibe. Things take a turn when her kids, do just the opposite.

The Intoxicated Guruji

The drunk Guruji act gave us all the tickles

This chaotic act involved a Guruji who gets drunk only for things to take a big turn later. Performed by Deepika, Manohar, Rakesh, Praveen, and Umesh, this one is a favourite.

The Retro Hero

The retro hero

This act is of a hero who has just come out of a coma. When offered the chance to act in a film, this man could not help but behave like a retro star. We were left wondering if this film would ever be completed, considering that the director didn’t like any of the shots!

An Escapist

The haunted house awaits the thief

A very dangerous thief hastily escapes from prison. Amidst all the chaos, he lands up in a haunted house and the plight he faces with ghosts is worth a watch.

Danappa In His Element

Danappa and Deepika perform a cute skit

An intriguing act, this was about a man who plays the trumpet to make his wife hideaway. Well, with Danappa in it, this act was all about creativity.

The Husband-Wife Situation

Divya Anchan

A lesson taught by a wife to her sadist husband is not something we get to see on stage much. This act was undoubtedly one of the best performances by Raghu, Danappa, Divya Anchan, and Chandrasekhar.

Catch all episodes of Comedy Khiladigalu exclusively on ZEE5!

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