The controversial reality show, aka, Bigg Boss 15 is finally inching towards its finale week. If rumours are to be believed, the show will witness its grand finale on the 16th of January, which is in the upcoming two weeks. As the show is finally entering its finale weeks, the makers of the show are leaving no stones unturned to make it all the more interesting for the audience of the show.
Well, a new task has been assigned to all the contestants of the show. This task has been given to the Non VIPs, aka Pratik Sehajpal, Shamita Shetty, Tejasswi Prakash, Abhijit Bichukale and Devoleena Bhattacharjee. In this task, the contestants will have to come forward one by one and will have to call upon another fellow Non VIP contestant for a debate on a given topic and will have to compete for a particular area of the house. Whoever will win the debate will get an access to the given area. The VIPs, aka, Rakhi Sawant, Rashami Desai, Umar Riaz and Karan Kundrra will be seen as the ‘sanchalaks’ of the task, who will decide which contestant’s points in the debate were stronger.
The task started off between Devoleena Bhattacharjee and Tejasswi Prakash. Devoleena chose the topic of ‘Candy disposal’ aka ‘Cigarettes disposal’ in the washroom area and called it unhygienic. The first round was won by Tejasswi Prakash and the actress got an access to the bathroom area. The second round was observed between Shamita Shetty and Abhijit Bichukale. Shamita called upon Abhijit to debate on the topic of ‘stubbornness.’ This round was won by Shamita Shetty.
(Also Read: Bigg Boss 15: Tejasswi Prakash Bashed Brutally By Karan Kundrra’s Fans For Conspiring Against Him)
While the task is still ongoing in the show, it is however unclear as of now as to what benefits will the winners of these rounds enjoy.
What are your views on the ongoing task in the Bigg Boss house? Let us know in the comments section below.