Actress Poulomi Das who is known for shows like Suhani Si Ek Ladki and Dil Hi Toh Hai recently took to her Instagram handle to make her relationship official. Yes, Poulomi, who has been dating France-based Alapone for the past two years now has finally confirmed her relationship and shared a cute glimpse with all her fans as well. She took to her Instagram handle and shared a picture of her kissing beau Alapone, thus confirming their relationship. In the picture, Pouloumi is seen kissing boyfriend Alapone and holding a similar Polaroid in her hand too. Sharing the picture Poulomi wrote,”Who said fairytale stories aren’t real?”
Have a look:
Poulomi is currently spending some cute lovey-dovey time with beau Alapone in Paris and the actress keeps sharing glimpses of Paris on her social media handles too. Poulomi spoke about her relationship to a media handle and revealed that she has been in a relationship with Alapone for the past 2 years, However, it was because of Covid 19 that they were unable to meet. The actress revealed that since she met him after 2 long years, she could not help but share that picture out of sheer excitement. She also revealed that she is a very private person, however, this felt so special that she decided to share it. She said, ” I am in the happiest space currently as after a wait of two long years I have finally got to meet him here in Paris. He is in Air Force in Italy and due to corona, we didn’t get to meet for two long years. And I couldn’t hold myself to share this special moment.”
Well, love is definitely in the air for these love birds and all we can say is they make for an adorable couple.
Talking about Poulomi, the actress has been a part of numerous shows like Dil Hi Toh Hai, Suhani Si Ek Ladki, Kartik Purnima, Barish, Aghori, and many more. The actress was last seen in Ekta Kapoor’s grand drama Paurashpur.