Kenneth Petty, Nicki Minaj’s husband was convicted of attempted rape in New York in 1995. This had happened following an encounter with a 16-year-old female in September 1994, 20 years before his marriage to Minaj. Petty has now has pled guilty for failing to register as a sex offender in California.
This report comes from the court records as per Fox News. According to court papers released on Thursday, Petty originally pleaded not guilty to the single-count charge. But he subsequently altered his plea. He is set to be sentenced in January.
The allegation against Petty comes from his failure to register as a sex offender when he moved to California in 2019. Prisoner records verify that he spent four and a half years in prison. In addition, as part of his sentence, he must register as a sex offender anytime he relocates.
Authorities in Beverly Hills arrested Petty in November 2019 after confirming his failure to submit his sex offender status. He was released after submitting $20,000 bail but was arrested again last year after he was indicted regarding the incident. He was released from federal custody on a $100,000 bond.
The victim had sued him and Minaj in August. She had also alleged that the couple tried to force her to abjure her account of the incident. The woman, who has publicly identified herself as Jennifer Hough, told the court that Petty and Minaj began contacting her and members of her family after his arrest in California. The rapper had offered one of Hough’s family members $500,000 if Hough would take back her statement, according to the lawsuit.
Meanwhile, the punishment hearing for Petty’s registration failure is scheduled for January 24. According to the prosecution, he faces a potential 10-year federal prison term, a lifetime of supervised release, and a USD 250,000 fine, or double the gross damage caused by the crime. On the other hand, Petty may face five years of supervised release and a USD 100 court assessment charge if he gets the minimum term.