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Sembaruthi: Paati Proves Yet Again That She Is A True Genius; Here’s How!

ZEE5 Web Desk

February 7, 2021

5 min


Here’s how Paati is bringing Akhila and Parvathy closer to each other by making them spend time together.

In the last few episodes of Sembaruthi, we saw Akhila and family reach the village following Sundaravalli’s invite to celebrate Pongal with her. Following Purushothaman’s invite, Parvathy hesitantly agrees to go along with them, and this might have been her best decision ever as Paati’s intervention might just turn out to be great to bring Parvathy and Akhila together.

Watch the latest episode of Sembaruthi here:

Sundaravalli gives a grand welcome to Akhila and her family. She invites over the village and familiarizes them to the roots. We are reminded of how sweet she is, by her checking up on the well-being of everyone. Akhila, who is happy to have travelled to the village is unaware of what she is getting into.

Akhil has started to have a soft side for Parvathy, however, it just doesn’t seem enough. This is exactly where Sundaravalli comes in with her wit and motivation to bring them together for her loving Adithya. Starting off with her job straight away, we saw Paati tells Parvathy that she is not a servant and makes her sit beside Adithya.

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Parvathy who is still not used to such instances, tries to skip the order after seeing Akhila and Purushothaman, but Sundaravalli insists that she be seated. Later, we see Akhila permit Parvathy to sit at the dining table too. This is exactly where we realise that Paati might just resolve the problem single-handedly. Woman on a mission, she once again sets the stage for Parvathy as she informs Akhila about a puja and the ‘Padayal’ that needs to be cooked for the puja.

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Sundaravalli asks Akhila to cook for the ‘Padayal’ and suggests that Parvathy and Aishwarya assist her in cooking, to which Akhila agrees. Following morning, we saw the trio work together for the first time and Akhila begin to like Parvathy as she obediently follows her and does the job well. We see the two share some closeness in the kitchen.

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During the puja, we see the priest ask couples to exchange garlands. Seeing Adi-Parvathy hesitate on doing the same, Sundaravalli steps and insists Adithya put the garland around Parvathy’s neck. The events wouldn’t have taken place if it wasn’t for Paati’s cunningness as it was her instruction that made Akhila convince Parvathy to join the Puja. In what is a fulfilling scene, we also get to see Akhila request Parvathy to distribute grains to the villagers.

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It is also noteworthy that Sundaravalli gave credits to Parvathy for coming up with the idea to help the poor farmers in the village. Upon enquiry, we see Akhila enjoy some pride from the same and see her becoming more closer to Parvathy by heart. It is not far from fact to say that nothing would have happened if it wasn’t for Paati’s genius mind.

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