Antim: The Final Truth is the most awaited film of the year. The film includes an ensemble cast of Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma and debutant Mahima Makwana. The cast of the Mahesh Manjrekar directorial film will make their gracious presence felt on The Kapil Sharma show. The video has been shared by the makers of the show in which we can see Salman Khan shaking a leg with the mentor of the show, Archana Puran Singh.
The video is now viral on the web and it shows Salman Khan acting goofy and funny with the mentor Archna Puran Singh. The cast of the film will be seen discussing the film in detail with the comedian and Salman Khan’s presence on the silver screen for his upcoming film Antim: The Final Truth is eagerly awaited by one and all.
Also, in the video, Aayush Sharma also shares his experience of shooting the film with Salman Khan. Antim: The Final Truth marks Salman and Aayush’s first-ever on-screen collaboration. The Mahesh Manjrekar film has been awaited by one and all. Now, the cast of the film has been promoting the film in full swing. They surely look suave and swanky in their outfits and they are setting a fashion trend for one and all.
The film, Antim: The Final Truth has an intriguing plot. Salman Khan will be playing the role of a super cop, meanwhile, Aayush Sharma will be playing the role of a gangster in the film. Mahima Makwana will be playing the role of a debutant in the film and her acting skills are also eagerly awaited by one and all.
Don’t forget to catch Antim: The Final Truth on November 26.