Actor Kartik Aaryan was recently spotted by the paparazzi at his Mumbai residence. The Bollywood celeb was hanging out in his apartment’s balcony. In a video captured by one of the paps, Kartik Aaryan did not forget to interact with the paparazzi. The Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor waved at the paparazzi and flashed his radiant smile.
The ongoing pandemic has reduced the number of outings amongst Bollywood stars. Since strict restrictions have been imposed due to the surge in COVID-19 cases. But still celebs often step out of their houses for essential errands. This time, the paparazzi spotted Bollywood actor Kartik Aaryan hanging out at his luxurious residence in Mumbai.
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The Pyaar Ka Punchnama actor was standing on the balcony of his apartment. According to the above video, Kartik was wearing a grey T-shirt and pants. He was holding onto his phone and at one point also seemed to be busy on a call. But while he was hanging out on his balcony, Kartik did not forget to wave and smile at the paparazzi. Before going back in his house, Kartik once again waved a goodbye to the paps and then left.
Recently, Kartik Aaryan made headlines due to him allegedly walking out of Dostana 2. The film previously starred Kartik Aaryan, Janhvi Kapoor, and debutant Laksh Lalwani. After reports of Kartik walking out of the film were leaked, Dharma Productions issued an official statement about the same. In their statement, Dharma Productions wrote, “Due to professional circumstances, on which we have decided to maintain a dignified silence – we will be recasting Dostana 2 directed by Collin D’Cunha. Please wait for the official announcement soon”.
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Since Kartik walked out of the film, he is yet to comment on his decision. Moreover, Dharma Productions is yet to reveal who will be essaying Kartik’s role in the film. Kartik Aaryan and Janhvi Kapoor had already shot one schedule for the film in December 2019. This schedule was shot in Amritsar, Punjab. But before the crew could embark on the next schedule, the COVID-19 in India began rising. Hence, the film’s shooting schedule was further delayed. Now, it will be interesting to see which actor takes on Kartik’s role and when the official announcement about the same is made.
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