Bollywood actor Ajay Devgn is trying something new in his career, something he had not done before. The Singham actor has joined hands with Bear Grylls who is a world-famous traveller. They both will feature on a show named Into The Wild With Bear Grylls. They both shot for the adventurous episode in the tropical regions of the Maldives. And now the intriguing trailer of the episode is out that features Ajay Devgn with Bear Grylls.
In the trailer, one can clearly see Ajay’s adventurous side as he struggles in the Indian Ocean to survive amid sharks and makes a catamaran with Grylls to reach an uninhabited island. No need to mention that what they both did is not everyone’s cup of tea.
In the beginning of the trailer, Ajay can be seen standing on a boat as he is heard saying in a voiceover, “Games are for players, this is a stage for the bravehearts.” He then jumps into the ocean with Bear Grylls. The world-famous traveller advises Ajay to stay calm if he comes close to sharks. They then walk on an island where they make a catamaran out of things they find in the jungle. In the trailer, we can also see Bear saying that it’s fierce, it’s unforgiving, it’s expert mode on. He also tells Ajay that it is his ilaka as the actor warns ye koi khel nahi hai bro!
(Also Read: After Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgn Pulls Up Action Sleeves; Jets Off To Maldives To Shoot Into The Wild With Bear Grylls)
Ajay Devgn talked about his experience with the show with a leading daily. In which he said that it was his first-ever expedition into the wild and he says that it wasn’t child’s play! Ajay’s father was an action director and in his career span of 30 years in the Indian industry, he has had the fortune to play several roles including some dangerous action ones too. And, this was one of those times when Ajay had to put those learnings to the test again. Devgn is so glad that this opportunity came his way, and it helped the actor to explore and go beyond his comfort zone. A special salute to Bear who has been inspiring millions to explore and develop a much-needed relationship with nature, and of course to keep him safe in the wild. From hungry jungles to the depths of the ocean, Bear knows it all, Ajay Devgn concluded.