Television actor Karanvir Bohra is quite active on his social media handles. The actor is often seen sharing fun videos and glimpses of his videos through pictures and videos on his social media handles. Well, Karanvir Bohra recently visited Khatron Ke Khiladi 11’s finalist Shweta Tiwari along with his wife Teejay Sidhu during Ganesh Chaturthi. The actor also shared a few pictures with Shweta Tiwari on his social media handles too. Well, now Karanvir has shared a video of Shweta Tiwari and his wife Teejay Sidhu’s conversation.
In this video, the actor can be seen showing how long a serious conversation between two girls can last. In the video, Karanvir depicted Shweta and Teejay’s conversation through seconds, minutes, and hours and in the end was finally caught by Shweta Tiwari who was seen scolding Karanvir in a fun way.
Have a look at Karanvir Bohra’s fun video here:
Well, at the end of the video Karanvir was seen saying that Shweta Tiwari and wife Teejay’s conversation did not seem to stop.
During Ganesh Chaturthi, this year Karanvir Bohra was seen visiting Shweta Tiwari’s place for Ganpati Darshan and also shared a few pictures from his visit on his Instagram handle.
Have a look at these pictures of Shweta Tiwari and Karanvir Bohra here :
For the unversed, Karanvir Bohra played the role of Shweta Tiwari’s son on her show Kasuati Zindagi Kay. Both Karanvir and Shweta Tiwari are very good friends in real life and are often seen spending time with each other and their families too.
Have a look at a few pictures of Karanvir Bohra, Shweta Tiwari, and their families together :
(Also Read: Shweta Tiwari Makes A Fashion Splash At The Airport As She Heads To Goa With Her Son Reyansh Kohli)
Well, what are your views on this funny video of Shweta Tiwari, Teejay Sidhu, and Karanvir Bohra? let us know in the comments section below.