Zee Telugu’s long-running show Muddha Mandaram is one we cannot forget. Deva and Parvathi showed us how love always finds its own place in the midst of turmoils. Akhilandeswari taught us many lessons that we need to be a successful person. And on the other hand, Abhi and Soundarya gave us a good laugh for a year-long period. We noticed how Abhi found his happiness in Soundarya’s happiness. But you know where Soundarya often found happiness? In a saree that made her feel like a million bucks!
Watch the first episode of the show here:
Half sarees have always been the go-to attires for Telugu Ammayis whenever they feel like doing something more, but not a lot. Despite the simplicity of the attire, our Soundarya looks no less than a diva.
Here, she dons one of the simplest pattucheeras with a simple bottubilla and some bangaru gajulu. All those adornments clearly make the girl happy, because her smile speaks of the happiness she feels within her.
If beauty in simplicity was to be squeezed into a picture, we are sure it would look something like Soundarya here. A black and white saree with a plait and a bottu is all that it takes to make a girl happy.
Soundarya entertained us with her high-spirited personality. But often, she found her moments of calm and solitude amidst nature, dressed in her favourite saree.
We have always wondered what it was about sarees that excited the little Soundarya so much. Looking at this picture, we have come to believe that it is the elegance that a six-yard cloth can add to a girl’s personality.
How much do you miss her and the Ghattammaneni family? Let us know in the comments section below. Watch all the episodes of Muddha Mandaram on ZEE5, and read about it here.
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