Sooryavanshi is the recently released blockbuster starring Akshay Kumar and Katrina Kaif in the lead role. Rohit Shetty directorial hit the large screens on November 5 this year and is making a buzz at the ticket window. Akshay Kumar has played a role of a cop in the film and is receiving love for his acting in the film. In order to play DCP Veer Surya, he drew inspiration from Vishwas Nangare Patil, the Joint Commissioner of Police (Law and Order), Mumbai City.
Akshay Kumar talked to a leading news portal and said that he doesn’t have an iota of hesitation in saying that Vishwas Nangare Patilji has been her inspiration for playing a cop in the film. Akshay knew him for years, and it impresses him to no end to see an IPS officer, who is so upright and on-point. Akshay went on to admit that to play Sooryavanshi, the IPS officer is the perfect figure to look up to.
The actor said that Vishwas Nangare Patil is tough on the exterior and all heart inside because he does so many good leads as a part of his duty. He leads a team of frontline workers during the recent Covid-19 crisis. Adding more to it Kumar said that the IPS officer is extremely fit and works hard on his health. Akshay also said that he does not need anyone else as a role model for his character as a police officer in the film.
Speaking of Vishwas Nangare Patil, he was the Deputy Commissioner of Police zone-1 in South Mumbai during the Mumbai terror attack of 2008. He led the team at the Taj Hotel, Colaba, on November 26, and shot one of the terrorists. In 2015, he was conferred with the President’s Police Medal. He is also known for his love for marathons and ensuring a fit police force. Not only this but he has also been a former Commissioner of Police for Nashik city.