Like her or hate her, if you watched Muddha Mandaram, you will have a special spot for Neelambari that you don't fully understand, but thoroughly enjoy.
We had Deva and Parvathi, and then Abhi and Soundarya. But there was another love story brewing at the side, all along - Krish and Chaithra's. How we wish we could have explored that relationship a little more!
We've seen Soundarya wait for moments when she could wear and flaunt a saree. If you are missing her, we've got the best surprise for you. Check it out.
While it's important for everyone to be mature in a relationship, it is also important to keep your inner child alive, like Abhi and Soundarya have in Muddha Mandaram.
There are plenty of scenes and moments from Muddha Mandaram that have been forever etched in our memory. Does your favourite make it to the list? Let's find out.
We have seen how Akhilandeswari and Shiva Shankar helped each other grow through all the difficulties in Muddha Mandaram. Here are a few lessons that all couples can learn from them.