The Challenging Star Darshan, who is one of the most revered actors in Sandalwood, recently revealed a poster of his latest film Kurukshetra, set to release in 14 days from now. The epic historical war film focuses on Kaurava King Duryodhana’s interpretation of Mahabharata. It is based on the famous poem Gadhayuddha by ancient Kannada poet Ranna. Apart from the Challenging Star, we have many more mighty names in the cast bucket. Starting with the late Rebel Star Ambareesh, whose fans can see him in Bheeshma’s avatar in the film. Then there is the Crazy Star playing the role of Krishna, while Arjun Sarja gets the meaty role of Karna.
A few posters have been released all over social media and the fans can’t keep calm. Take a look for yourself…
Here are two other posters for the upcoming film…
In the crew, we have Naganna as the director and V Harikrishna as the musical composer, so you can expect big things after the release. Plus, for fans a good movie with their favourite stars is all that matters in the end, isn’t it?
Are you excited to see your favourite Rebel Star onscreen one last time? Keep your comments flowing in the space below.
Watch Darshan’s Bul Bul also starring Rachita Ram, streaming now on the ZEE5 platform.