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Thirumathi Hitler: How Hasini And AJ Have The Tendency To Be Toxic At Times

ZEE5 Web Desk

June 5, 2021

3 min


AJ and Hasini from Thirumathi Hitler might be one of our favourite couples, but they can be toxic at times.

Thirumathi Hitler revolves around the relationship that AJ and Hasini share. Given that, their equation is what keeps us engaged to the show, it is obvious that fans worship them really hard. However, we feel like, as two different individuals, they have the tendencies to be toxic towards each other, and might want to work on it.

Also Read: Thirumathi Hitler: Hasini Could Have Certainly Used Some Training Before Trying To Put A Blind Act

Hasini refuses to see the reality 

Hasini can come across as extremely immature, at times. She refuses to grow up and see the reality. She believes in people easily and never thinks twice before she does anything. Had she told her father about the mess that she was in, she would not have to get married helplessly, and this is just one of the many examples to prove that she lives in her own world and never thinks twice. This might even risk the lives of those around her.

AJ always wants to be authoritative

AJ cannot tolerate people who disagree with him or have a different opinion of life than him. He has the need to feel obeyed by everybody, and this also includes his daughters-in-law. He wants to be in command all the time, telling people what they should do. When they fail to listen to him, it hurts his ego, and this certainly can’t be good for the long run.

AJ and Hasini in Thirumathi Hitler
AJ and Hasini in Thirumathi Hitler (Source: ZEE5)

Also Read: Thirumathi Hitler’s Sowmya Rao Is A Total Boss Lady- Check Out Her Reels Now!

They are willing to betray each other for their motives

AJ laid a trap for Hasini so she would get married to him, which she was not even aware of. On the other hand, Hasini is looking to break into AJ’s safe, and reveal his personal information because some random person asked her to do it. This shows that they do not trust each other and would even cheat the other if it fits their motives ultimately.

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