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Attarintlo Akka Chellullu 14 August 2020 spoiler: Will Priyamvada really stand on a bed of nails for trying to humiliate Dharani?

Sneha Bale . Aug 12, 2020 .

Now that everyone knows how Priyamvada tried to demean Dharani, the priests have given her an opportunity to redeem herself from the sins. Do you think she’ll be able to do it?

In the upcoming episode of Attarintlo Akka Chellellu, the older priest tells Priyamvada that there is an easy solution to redeem herself from her sins. She can opt to perform a small pooja right there, or suffer a highly troublesome death. Priyamvada does not respond, but Shobhan Raju encourages her to perform the pooja. The priest wishes the best and brings a small stool filled which was elevated with many nails on it. Priyamvada tries to run away from it, but her husband asks her to get done with it instead.

Watch the previous episode here:

Recently, Priyamvada thought of taking Dharani down by accusing her of stealing the gold jewellery meant for Goddess Lakshmi’s idol. On the day of the Varalakshmi Vratam, Priyamvada slyly took the jewellery that was kept along with other things needed for the pooja. She went back to the small temple in their house and dropped the necklace into Dharani’s mudupu vessel. Just as she had planned, the priest did not find the necklace and everyone in the house started panicking. That’s when Priyamvada asked everyone to look for it near the temple itself.

When she insisted that they look for it in Dharani’s mudupu, Dharani asked Priyavada to stop with her nuisance. But Vedavati encouraged Dharani to do it, only to shut Priyamvada up. Dharani followed her mother-in-law’s word and opened it, only to find no jewellery. That’s when Priyamvada, and her partner-in-crime Sharvani, started to worry. While they wondered where it could have been, Dharani managed to teach them a lesson with the help of their priest. In the flashback, we see that Dharani finds her mudupu vessel smelling like the balm she gave Priyamvada. Also, it was strangely heavy.

Aditya-Dharani with the priests in Akka Chellellu (Source: ZEE5)

Dharani connects the dots and tells the priest to act a little to reveal Priyamvada’s misdeeds. It will be interesting to see if Priyamvada gives into their plan or lives with the fear of dying in pain.

Read more about the show here and watch all the episodes of Attarintlo Akka Chellellu in advance on ZEE5, exclusively.

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