In the previous episode of Bhagya Lakshmi, Aayush laughs at Soniya. Virendra tells the family that he never would have let Rishi and Lakshmi’s divorce go through. Malishka conveys her frustrations to Neelam and Karishma assures her that Rishi will marry her. Rishi takes care of Lakshmi and tells her that she deserves the best. Malishka gets irked over Aayush and Shalu’s words and also gets annoyed over Rishi. She goes crying to her father, who mentions that he will intervene and get her married.
In the next episode of Bhagya Lakshmi, Rishi brings food for Lakshmi and tells her to rest as she is wounded. A determined Rishi gets her to eat the food. Meanwhile, Balwinder calls Malishka and asks her to meet him. Karishma, meanwhile, sets up a prospective groom for Lakshmi and executes her plan. Malishka meets with Balwinder, who offers her his help. Malishka rebukes him and tells him that Rishi is getting Lakshmi married. Soniya meanwhile, learns of Karishma’s plan and feels happy as Lakshmi will head out of the house. Later, Balwinder resolves to do everything he can to stop Lakshmi’s marriage. Lakshmi, at home, feels anxious over the problems created because of her. She tries to walk out of the room but finds her leg tied up to Rishi. He reasons with her, and Lakshmi says that she won’t run away. Shalu and Bani decide to teach Rano a lesson. The next morning, Soniya refuses to eat the food cooked by Lakshmi and Malishka speaks ill of her as well. Rishi interjects and says that he won’t tolerate a single bad word against Lakshmi. Rishi shouts at Soniya and gets her to apologise to Lakshmi.
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