Bollywood power couple Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh are the most loved duo by the netizens. They often share their pictures and videos on social media accounts. Their fans shower love on them in the comment section. Deepika and Ranveer get snapped by the paparazzi whenever they step out of their house. On Monday, the couple left Mumbai for Alibaug and were spotted at the local registrar’s office where they reportedly registered their recent purchase. The couple is busy investing in real estate now.
According to a leading news portal, Deepika and Ranveer visited the local registrar’s office in Alibaug to conclude the pending paperwork of their newly bought property. The couple has reportedly bought a plot in the coastal area and it contains two bungalows and a coconut and betel nut grove in it. As they are done with the paperwork, Ranveer and Deepika may soon take possession of their newest purchase in Alibaug.
The Piku actor had earlier in the day shared a photo of husband Ranveer Singh sleeping while they were on their way to Alibaug. She had captioned it, “My morning view.” According to the reports of a leading daily, Deepika Padukone had purchased an expensive service apartment in the last month. The actress had booked the property at an under-construction high-rise in Bengaluru which is also her hometown
Talking more about the couples’ land investments, Ranveer and Deepika reside in a plush 4BHK flat located in Mumbai’s Prabhadevi locality. Deepika Padukone reportedly bought this property in 2010 and after her marriage with Ranveer Singh in 2018, the couple moved into her apartment together. During the lockdown, Deepika and Ranveer were on a loop to drop glimpses of their residence on Instagram.
Now, coming towards the work front, for the very first time after their marriage Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh will be sharing the screen space together in the movie 83. In 83 they will be stepping into the shoes of the former captain of the Indian cricket team Kapil Dev and his wife Romi Bhatia. Apart from this, Ranveer Singh also has Cirkus, Jayeshbhai Jordaar, and Rocky Aur Rani Ki Prem Kahani. Whereas, Deepika Padukone will be seen in Pathan sharing screen space with Shah Rukh Khan. She also has Fighter alongside Hrithik Roshan, Shakun Batra’s next untitled film, and The Intern remake in her pipeline.