In the previous episode of Meet, Rajvardhan tells Babita that Meet and Meet Ahlawat saved the people. Meet and Meet Ahlawat strike a deal with the leader to let the doctor leave, but get trapped. The force enters the hospital.
In the latest episode of Meet, special force enters the hospital while the lady terrorist informs the Chief about them. The Chief signals the terrorists, and they tie Meet and Meet Ahlawat to a chair and cuff them to each other with handcuffs. Further, the Chief makes a circle around them using fuel and tells them that they got married in the presence of the holy fire and now they will die in the fire only. The terrorists leave the room while the Chief lights the fuel circle on escape. Meet tells Meet Ahlawat that the terrorists should not escape and frees her hand. She touches Meet Ahlawat’s face and asks him if he’s fine while he tells her that she should be happy to have a husband who is even willing to die for her. Further, she unties him and they both escape from the burning room while they watch the terrorists left. Meet notices the bombs lying on the ground and they both throw them toward the terrorists. The bomb blast happens and the terrorists fall unconscious while Meet and Meet Ahlawat run to the escape room. However, the Chief comes after them and laughs at them maniacally while telling them they have only two minutes and the people on the ground will die, too, if they go there. With the sudden realization of the threat, Meet Ahlawat touches the bomb that the terrorists had attached to him. While Meet hugs Meet Ahlawat, he cries and tries to make her laugh. Further, Meet Ahlawat cries and tells Meet that he loves her while asking her if he can take her into his arms for the last time. The bomb ticks as only twenty seconds are left while the couple hugs each other and recalls their memories together. Meet Ahlawat removes the handcuff from Meet’s hand and takes her in his hands while telling her that he loves her. He tells her that she will always be ‘Shahbad’s Gundi’ and tells her that she will have a lot more responsibilities from now on. Meet Ahlawat gets emotional and tells Meet that they will meet again. Suddenly, he throws Meet out of the window and she lands in the net while she sees Meet apologizing to her by folding his hands. The window erupts into flames as the bomb blasts while Meet and the Ahlawat family look on in shock.
What will happen next? Read more stories on Meet here.