Poovey Poochoodava: Pugazh Might Be A Kid But He Is More Mature Than Most Adults \
3 min read

Poovey Poochoodava: Pugazh Might Be A Kid But He Is More Mature Than Most Adults

Pugazh from Poovey Poochoodava is one of the most mature people you will meet and here's why we think so!
10-Apr-2021 ಮನರಂಜನೆ
Poovey Poochoodava: There Are Little Chances of Pugazh Not Being Shakthi’s Son, Here’s Why \
3 min read

Poovey Poochoodava: There Are Little Chances of Pugazh Not Being Shakthi’s Son, Here’s Why

As Poovey Poochoodava's Sahul and Sushma set out to find their child, is there a chance that it is Pugazh?
07-Apr-2021 ಮನರಂಜನೆ