2 min read

Eduauraa Helps Children Keep A Track Of Their Academic Progress

Mahima Maniar

September 18, 2020

2 min


Boost your learning skills and track your daily progress with Eduauraa’s new features.

The premium digital learning platform Eduauraa is a child’s best weapon to face examination blues. The application proves useful especially for those who will appear for their board exams.

Watch this video to know more about ZEE5‘s partner Eduauraa:


Source: Eduauraa

It is important to stay organised during exams. You can do so efficiently with Eduauraa Assistant (EA). This feature provides you with a calendar to sort your tasks date wise and schedule your learning requirements. Set small goals and achieve them to reach your learning milestone.

Learners can schedule their tasks for a future date as well. Students can time themselves with time specifications given on the application. This will not only help you stay organised but will enhance your learning and revision speed. The Edu-tech application will send alerts and notify students to pursue and achieve their study goals.

Source: Eduauraa

Eduauraa Proficiency Quotient (EPQ) analyses every student’s academic progress. It provides reports that would enable your child to evaluate his/her learning milestones. Artificial Intelligence (AI) shows the learning curve on the basis of which the student would realise how well do they fare. Quick learning solutions are provided to improve learners’ vulnerable areas.

This maps a student’s learning arc and growth progress. The presence of virtual classrooms gives a sense of the classroom set up and provides a platform for students to exchange and discuss their ideas.

ZEE5 And Eduauraa Partnership on ZEE5
Source; Eduauraa

It is these additional factors that make it a must to have the ZEE5 Premium Pack in your kitty at a reasonable price of Rs. 999. Get access to a yearly subscription of Eduauraa as a part of its introductory offer. This initiative has made ZEE5 the ideal platform for both entertainment and educational content.

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