ZEE5, India’s biggest homegrown platform, has given movies that are masterpieces from start to end. Now, the platform is back again and this time its original film titled Aafat-E-Ishq. The film will be a Hindi movie of the thriller genre. It is directed by ace director Indrajit Nattoji. The film is a ZEE5 original film and thus viewers can enjoy it online as well. The film is all set to release later this year
The dramedy film includes an ensemble cast of Neha Sharma, Namit Das, Ila Arun, Amit Sial, and Deepak Dobriuyal. Thye interesting and mind-gripping plot of the film revolves around the story of a girl who is in love. Unexpected and tough events happen in the film and she has to prove herself innocent and find the real culprit.
The cast of the film is very promising and their performances in the past have captivated the hearts of many audiences and fans. Especially, Neha Sharma’s fans eagerly anticipate the release of her film.
Watch Aafat-E-Ishq Trailer Here:
Popular actor Namit Das took to his IG account and raised the excitement of his fans regarding the film. Even, director Nattoji told a leading publication that this film is an official remake of the multiple-award-winning Hungarian film, Liza, The Fox-Fairy.
Aafat-E-Ishq is a dark dramedy set in the small-town Indian heartland. It is the story of a young woman’s quest for true love where she finds herself to be the prime suspect of a series of deaths, while an ancient curse looms large. The story also has supernatural elements in it.
(ALSO READ – Aafat-E-Ishq: Real-Life Incidents In Which People Were Killed Mysteriously )
Director Nattoji told a leading daily that, as the pandemic was also looming and to find a good location to shoot was a constant quest, the filmmaker conveyed how he hoped that audiences like the film and appreciate the efforts of his team members and crew. The director hopes that the audience catches the film’s imagination and lead it to its ultimate glory.
The film is eagerly awaited by one and all, bing watch the film only on ZEE5.