Bigg Boss 13’s contestant Devoleena Bhattacharjee was shaken beyond words post the untimely demise of Sidharth Shukla. The actress expressed her grief on Sidharth’s passing away in a lot of instances. Well, talking to a leading media portal, the actress has now expressed her concern for Shehnaaz Gill. Shehnaaz, who has reportedly still not come to terms with rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Shukla’s demise has also postponed all her shoots due to the actor’s sudden death. Well, expressing her concern for Shehnaaz Gill, Devoleena told a leading media portal that Shehnaaz should now live to fulfill the dreams Sidharth Shukla dreamt for her. Devoleena stated that she knows it is certainly very difficult for Shehnaaz right now to come to terms with Sidharth’s demise, however, the actress has to live for Sidharth’s dreams for her now. Devoleena said, ” All my love to Shehnaaz. I am sure and I know it is not easy to come out of such a tragic incident and she will take some time to be normal. I just wish that she fulfills all those dreams that Sidharth saw for her. I really wish her luck and lots of love.”
Devoleena stated that she has lost a lot of people off late and that all these sudden demises have changed her as a person. She said that she lost her close friend Divya Bhatnagar, then a sister, Sushant Singh Rajput, and now Sidharth Shukla. She also said that all these deaths have changed her as a person.
Devoleena also revealed that it was at Sidharth’s prayer meet organized by Brahmakumaris that she came to terms with the meaning of life and released a lot of pent-up emotions she had held on to post her father and brother’s death.
Devoleena was last seen at the media launch of Bigg Boss 15 along with Aarti Singh.