Aayush Sharma married Salman Khan’s younger sister, Arpita Khan, on November 18, 2014, at the Taj Falaknuma Palace in Hyderabad. Following their wedding, the couple held a lavish reception in Aayush’s hometown of Mandi, Himachal Pradesh. Later, on March 30, 2016, the couple was blessed with a baby boy named Ahil Sharma, and on December 27, 2019, they were blessed with another child. Their family was completed with the arrival of their baby girl, whom they named Ayat Sharma.
Aayush is a family man who performs all of his father and husband responsibilities admirably. He is also an actor who made his Bollywood debut with the film Loveyatri and will be seen in his upcoming film, Antim: The Final Truth. Ayush Sharma was recently photographed going out and about in the city wearing casuals and cool black shades. He was dressed in a blue shirt, a brown pant, and blue-ish white shoes. The actor was witnessed with excitement all over his face for the promotion of his upcoming flick.
Aayush Sharma recently stated in an interview that he was quite uncomfortable while filming intimate scenes for Antim: The Final Truth. In the song Hone Laga, he has some romantic scenes with his co-star Mahima Makwana. He also revealed that during the shoot, he had ten thousand thoughts racing through his mind, and he couldn’t help but think of his wife, Arpita Khan, and their children, Ahil and Ayat. Aayush revealed how Mahesh Manjrekar, the director of Antim: The Final Truth, tricked him into thinking he had to kiss Mahima in the film. Aayush Sharma adores his wife, Arpita Khan Sharma, and their two adorable children, Ahil and Ayat. On Aprita’s birthday, he took to Instagram and shared a romantic photo with his wife, Arpita. Along with the photos, he had written a sweet birthday greeting for his ladylove. Aayush also revealed in a recent interview that, while he was excited to share screen space with Salman in the film, he didn’t want the ‘Dabangg’ star to do the film because he didn’t want to reignite the debate on nepotism.