Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli have announced that they are expecting the birth of their first child in January 2021. The couple made the announcement via Instagram by posting an image in which the Bollywood actress’ baby bump is clearly visible. “And then, we were three! Arriving Jan 2021,” their posts read. In January, Virat Kohli will likely take an early departure from Australia, where the Indian cricket team will be playing a Test series against the said country.
After a long relationship, Virat Kohli tied the knot with Anushka Sharma in December 2017. The wedding, which was a private affair in Italy, created waves when pictures and videos from the venue started streaming onto social media. Anushka Sharma was last seen in Aanand L Rai’s Zero and but has no release lined up for the near future. The actress is also busy running her own production house, which recently rolled out successful ventures like Paatal Lok and Bulbbul.
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