Mrunal Thakur is a rising star in the Indian film world. A digital film along with Kartik Aaryan, will be her next film. Mrunal Thakur debuted in the entertainment world as Gauri in the television serial Yeh Khamoshiyaan. However, she gained prominence as Bulbul in Kumkum Bhagya. On the show, she played Sriti Jha’s sister. She starred alongside Arjit Taneja in the renowned ZeeTV programme.
They were one of television’s most popular on-screen couples. Mrunal, on the other hand, left the show. That did not hinder her relationship with the Kumkum Bhagya cast and crew, and she maintained her relationship with everyone. Mrunal is now said to be in a serious relationship with her KB co-star Arjit, according to sources.
It had been rumoured that the two were seeing one other, but according to sources, it has now been revealed that they are indeed dating. In addition, the article claims that Arjit and Mrunal have kept it a secret. As stated by sources, they are not ready to make their relationship official. Mrunal and Arjit are both quite active on Instagram, but they don’t share photos or videos with each other. When Mrunal celebrated her birthday in August of this year, Arjit took to social media to post photos of the two of them together. Arjit said in the description of the photo, ‘Pagli, happy birthday!’ More and more happiness along with prosperity, and love were the words mentioned in the caption. The actor has showcased his adoration for Mrunal by stating that he loves her.
(Also Read: Aise Na Chorro: Guru Randhawa And Mrunal Thakur Share a BTS Video Of The Cutest Snow Fight Ever)
Mrunal Thakur began her acting career on television, most known for her role in Kumkum Bhagya. After that, she made her feature film debut in 2018 with Love Sonia. In 2019, she made her Bollywood debut in Hrithik Roshan’s Super 30. She was recently seen in a digital film with Farhan Akhtar. The actress is set to appear in yet another digital film. Kartik Aaryan also stars in the Ram Madhvani-directed film. She’ll also be featured in Jersey later this year.