Hollywood director and filmmaker Patty Jenkins revealed some exciting news about Wonder Woman 3 starring Gal Gadot at the DC fandome event. The director of the movie Wonder Woman revealed that there will be a third part to the Wonder Woman series and the making of the film is already in the works. The director also said that there will be a cameo by Lynda Carter who was the original wonder woman.
Gal Gadot will be starring in Wonder Woman for the third film and it was recently revealed by the director of the movie Patty Jenkins on Saturday, October 16, at the DC fandome 2021 event. Jenkins, during a chat, promised that it was going to be exciting with Wonder Woman from the 70s series Lynda Carter.
The original Diana Prince (Wonder Woman) who also had her cameo in ‘Wonder Woman 1984’ as warrior Asteria is all set to return. Carter, the 70 year old actor, joined Perkins in the virtual fan event confirming her return as warrior Asteria. Director Patty Jenkins explained why Gal Gadot couldn’t attend the event. Jenkins said, “Gal, who’s so bummed not to be here, who’s the busiest person in the world, with now three little kids and shooting, so she was so bummed not to be able to be here. But we are all three very excited about some exciting things coming up with Wonder Woman 3”
The threequel of the film was announced when Gal Gadot was pregnant with her third child. The actor gave birth to her third child, a boy, in June this year with husband Yaron Varsano. The movie is in the works now after she has had a baby boy. The couple is also parents to 2 daughters Alma, 9 and Maya, 4.
Lynda Carter also opened up about her personal attachment to the character of Wonder Woman. She was the star of the live action tv series Wonder Woman during the years 1975 to 1979. She stated “I know what it was like from the inside out. I know what the legacy meant to me, and when I created the character, it wasn’t on the comic book page, her kindness and her goodness. Her strength was her Lasso of Truth … and that meant something to me.” She added, “Who would have thought in my life, at this time in my life, that this gift would just present itself to me, and that’s so cool.”
However, no additional information was disclosed regarding the rest of the cast or the release date of the movie.
Also Read: Wonder Woman Gal Gadot’s magnificent journey to the ‘Wonder’ she is now