The meeting of actor Manchu Manoj with power star Pawan Kalyan has created a lot of buzz all around in Tollywood. The meeting is learnt to have went on for an hour, where this eyebrow raising meet is much speculated to have under discussion the similar type of recent controversial topics including MAA elections. Where the two stars also met, on the day of voting, for a while.
The venue of the meeting was the set of ‘Bheemla Nayak’, the reason of having this set as the venue is still much speculated and not known clearly. Manoj later on his Twitter handle shared his experience of meeting the power star which is ‘always pleasant’ according to him. He thanked Pawan Kalyan for the hearty conversation they had and for all the kind words he spoke to him.
Manoj’s father Mohan Babu has always had a different path that is much known by all, whereas Manoj is seen to be walking on his own separate path. As it is popularly known that Manoj’s father and elder brother Manchu Vishnu are involved in a tussle with Chiranjeevi camp while he can be seen Pawan Kalyan.
There is some sort of clash of clans that was quite visible on MAA election day on 10th of October. When Manchu Vishnu’s candidature was announced as the president he was advised by his father Mohan Babu to beware of the disturbing elements in the industry by which he indirectly pointed towards Chiranjeevi who is also believed to be his arch rival. In that light the meeting holds a special space not only for public but also for the families.
Also Read: Pawan Kalyan’s Hari Hara Veeramallu to resume shoot from November 2021
It has come to the forefront that Manoj has been travelling to places like Hyderabad, Chennai etc. Currently he is working on a particular tourism project and has been acquiring land and permissions from Telangana government. It is learnt that he met Andhra Pradesh Chief minister and thereafter he met Pawan Kalyan. There are also talks about the Bhuma Nagi Reddy’s family joining Janasena and Manoj is known to have healthy relations with the family. Hence now Manoj meeting Pawan Kalyan is an interesting matter. Manoj is preparing for his new film ‘Aham Brahmasmi’ on the worksheet, which is set to begin shooting soon.