Rakhi Sawant is extremely sad over the ongoing health crisis in the country. The Bollywood actor and reality star spoke about this crisis. In the video, Rakhi revealed that she has been crying over the state of the COVID-19 patients in country. She further added that she will be praying for everyone and most importantly their safety during this difficult time. Find out below what else Rakhi Sawant said during this Instagram Live below.
The ongoing pandemic got even worse due to the second wave. The second wave that surfaced in India a few months ago already has claimed lakhs of lives. Moreover, people are suffering immensely due to a shortage of medical supplies. Amidst this chaotic situation, many celebrities have stepped in to help people in need. Many of them are also showing their support to people by sending out prayers for them and helping them get in touch with necessary resources. The latest celeb to do so is actor Rakhi Sawant.
Rakhi Sawant recently went live on Instagram and gave a message to COVID-19 patients who are immensely suffering. She started the video by first greeting her fans on Live and saying that God loves them all. She then told them that she prays for them every single day. She further revealed that she cries every day for the patients due to the condition they are in.
Rakhi Sawant continued and said that her God is with her and has helped her through the various situations. She believes her God will listen to her prayers and help those in need. She then shared a video of herself praying for the patients. In the video, Rakhi is wearing a pink kurta and covered her head with a white dupatta. She soon began singing a bhajan for these patients.
The bhajan was all about the importance of praying and understanding the importance of the same. In this Instagram video, Rakhi is seen passionately singing the bhajan and reading the bhajan while reading it off from her phone. She then prayed to God for providing patients with sufficient medical supplies and help them through this difficult time. Watch Rakhi Sawant’s video of singing a bhajan for COVID-19 patients below.
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