4 min read

Robin Hood, Snow White: 5 Books Your Kids Will Enjoy Reading After Watching Them On ZEE5!


September 6, 2020

4 min


We got you a list of literary gems that children are sure to love and learn from!

What is childhood without magical fairy tales and legendary classics that colour our world and transport us into an entirely different realm? The stories of Robin Hood, Snow White, and Pinocchio are quintessential to shape impressionable young minds, who learn how to think, imagine and dream fuelled by these treasures. Classics like these have been immortalised in books, films and TV shows. Here are some favourites that your kids can get their hands on to read after watching them on ZEE5! They are sure to enjoy reading them as much as watching them on screen, so what better way to honour ‘Read a Book Day’ than give them these books? Not only are these books and shows highly entertaining, they also help build valuable life skills and are ideal for child development.

1. Robin Hood

The tale of the outlaw Robin Hood, who stole from the rich to give to the poor, is a famous one. Based on a legendary hero, The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood was a novel written by author Howard Pyle in 1883. There have since been several abridged editions available as picture books that kids adore! Watching the animated series of Robin Hood on ZEE5 is sure to make them want to read it too!

2. Snow White

Snow White
Source: ZEE5

Legend of Snow White, which is all about Snow White and the seven dwarves, is also an animated series on the platform. It has been adapted from the original story by the Brothers Grimm, which you must definitely let your kids read!

3. Pinocchio

Source: ZEE5

Pinocchio, the fictitious boy whose nose grew a little bit longer every time he told a lie, was originally created by Italian author Carlo Collodi, who wrote The Adventures of Pinocchio in 1883. Your kids will be entertained by this stellar piece of work, they will gain critical thinking skills, and a love for language. Meanwhile, they can watch Welcome Back Pinocchio on ZEE5 too.

4. Ramayana

Source: ZEE5

Ramayana is an epic that needs no introduction. Penned by Maharishi Valmiki, it revolves around the life of Rama and the Kosala Kingdom. Ramayana is one of the two major epics from ancient India that is definitive of our rich cultural heritage. Your kids will absolutely cherish this in an illustrated short story book, so get your hands on one and get reading!

5. Christopher Columbus

Christopher Columbus
Source: ZEE5

The animated film Christopher Columbus: The New World, centres around the famous Italian explorer who made four voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, goes down in history as the one to discover the great Americas, which he colonised. Your kids can read all about him in books like Who Was Christopher Columbus? by Bonnie Bader.

Which of these books will your kids read first? Let us know in the comments below!

For more entertainment, watch Cinderella on ZEE5.

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