Director and producer Ekta Kapoor recently celebrated her son, Ravie Kapoor’s birthday. Born in 2019, Ravie Kapoor turned 2 years old on 27 January. Ekta Kapoor had posted a picture with Ravie on her Instagram handle, on his birthday, wishing him. In the comments of this post, a lot of other celebrities also wished Ravie. Ekta Kapoor organized a nice party at her residence to celebrate the day. Read on to know more about it.
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Ravie Kapoor, who celebrated his second birthday, is named after his grandpa Jeetendra, whose real name is Ravi Kapoor. Personalities like Karan Johar and Smriti Irani dropped their wishes for Ravie on the Instagram post shared by Ekta Kapoor. Karan Johar and a lot of other celebrities also attended the party with their kids.
Karan Johar attended the party with his kids, Roohi and Yash Johar. Actor Karan Patel also attended the party with his wife Ankita and their kid. Among the many other celebrities who attended the party, were Ridhi Dogra, Riteish, and Genelia Deshmukh with their kids, and Shabir Ahluwalia with his wife Kanchi Kaul and their kids.
Ekta Kapoor also shared this video of the cake-cutting event of the grand birthday party on her Instagram. On this video post, she wrote a caption that made a reference to the show, Mentalhood, which was released on her OTT platform AltBalaji, along with ZEE5. She can be seen cutting the birthday cake with her son in this video.
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