Mazha Hoshil Na is ZEE Marathi serial revolving around the lives of Aditya and Sai. According to the ongoing plot, Aditya has been helping Suyash to impress Sai and win over the latter. In order to impress Sai, Suyash lies to her about helping blind kids. However, Sai gets suspicious about Suyash and decides to meet the blind kids at their home. She informs Aditya (Virajas Kulkarni) about her surprise visit. To save Suyash, he calls the former and alerts him about Sai (Gautami Deshpande). Aditya asks Suyash to set up the home for blind kids before Sai reaches there. However, do you think, things will work according to the plan without Suyash creating a mess? Lets us take a look at things that can go wrong in Suyash’s plan tonight.
1. Aditya Will Mess Up
Aditya is bad at lying and it is clearly seen in the recent episodes. He tries to lie to Sai but messes up every time. However, he even saves his back from Sai learning the truth. Aditya suggests Sai, they have tea and when Sai gets the tea, he forgets about asking for tea. Sai also listens to Aditya talking about some doctor. Aditya fails to keep Sai away from blind children for a longer time.
2. The Locked Door
When Sai and Aditya reach the house of the blind kids, they see the lock on the door. Sai tells Aditya that she is confident that those kids are not blind. Sai also shares that she thinks Suyash cannot be changed and will be the same. Aditya tries to take Suyash’s side. As Sai and Aditya stand there talking about the kids and Suyash, the actors come there.
3. Fake Blind Actors
Suyash brings the fake blind actors to return to their play. The actors come in costume dresses from historical play. Aditya confirms if they are the blind kids. Sai confirms. Sai says they are the same kids but they are wearing different clothes.
4. Fake Blind Kids Blow Up Their Cover
When the fake blind kids reach there, Sai asks them about the costume. During this, one of the actors asks about the guy wearing a pant shirt. Sai gets shocked. She asks him how he knows about what Adiya is wearing. Later, one of the actors also picks up the fallen key properly and Sai gets more suspicious.
5. Fake Kids’ Overacting
When one of the actors gets juice saying its water, the other one sits on the floor and starts crying saying that they used to think juice is water. Aditya thinks they will blow their cover. Sai suspiciously starts questioning the kids.
Stay tuned to ZEE5 for more updates from Mazha Hoshil Na.