The English movie broadcasting channel, &PriveHD, is soon going to air the famous 2011 German comedy film, Resturlaub. The film stars one of the most loved actors of the German cinema, Maximilian Brückner in the lead role. It also stars Mira Bartuschek with Antoine Monot Jr, Stephan Luca and Jeff Burrell in prominent roles. Take a look at our review of Resturlaub.
The film begins with Pitschi Greulich (Maximilian Brückner), being at the airport, looking very stressed. As he begins to explain why he is under stress, the film takes us back to his story. We see Pitschi’s life, where is a regular guy in the town of Bamberg, Germany. He is a marketing director at a beer company and has been in a live-in relationship with his girlfriend, Sabine (Mira Bartuschek) for a long time.

Pitschi is enjoying his best friend’s bachelor party and is set up as a funny guy who can crack us up with his jokes. Soon after the bachelor party, Sabine talks to him about getting married and building a new house, far from the town. This stresses up Pitschi because even after years of being in a loving relationship with Sabine, he still has commitment issues. Later, at his friend’s wedding, he gets extremely drunk and makes a promise to Sabine to start a family. And when sober again, he realises what he did and begins regretting the promise.
Soon, the group of friends, with their partners, decide to head for a vacation in Mallorca, where Sabine is also accompanying him. Pitschi makes a decision to leave Sabine and his friends and fakes a robbery. He sends his friends and Sabine on the trip, and he himself heads to Buenos Aires, Argentina. He writes a letter to Sabine saying that he has decided to break their relationship and start a new life in Argentina but decides to not post until he meets another woman there.

As he is starting a new life in Argentina, he keeps getting calls from Sabine to know if he is okay, and he keeps lying about his whereabouts. Pitschi’s landlord in Buenos Aires says that since he lives there now, he should learn Spanish and Pitschi enrols himself in a Spanish class. He soon begins an affair with his class teacher, Luna (Melanie Winiger). The affair does not work out well for him and he starts missing Sabine, and after about a week in Buenos Aires, decides to return. His entire journey through the week, his ‘resturlaub’ (remaining days of vacation), and his series of impulsive and stupid decisions are what make the plot of the film and a humorous one that too.
Resturlaub has a lot of funny moments, right from Pitschi’s day in Bamberg to his hilarious stay in Buenos Aires. The moments that he shares with his landlord, Pedro (Leonardo Nigro) are also sure to crack you up. Maximilian Brückner has done a great job in portraying this hysterical character. His expressions and all of his physical comedy will leave the audiences in splits. Mira Bartuschek has given a great performance. The two lead actors also share great chemistry.

Besides them, all the actors in the Resturlaub cast have given amazing performances. The film is also directed very well. With a short run time of about 1 hour 40 minutes, the film will keep you engaged to it and will not bore you at any point in time. The background music of the film is also nice. It keeps the overall fun, and at places, the romantic mood of the film, intact creating an entertaining feel for the viewers.
Overall, Resturlaub is a fun and laid-back kind of film that you will enjoy watching. Resturlaub premieres on &PriveHD on 9 April, at 9 pm, as a part of its ‘Privé World Box Office’.
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