Agga Bai Sasubai: Here’s What Soham Can Do To Make Amends With Asawari And Abhijit \
3 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai: Here’s What Soham Can Do To Make Amends With Asawari And Abhijit

Asawari's emotional speech has left Soham in tears and it seems as if he has realized his mistakes. While she refuses to forgive him, here's what he can do to seek her forgiveness.
27-Dec-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga Bai Sasubai: These Instances Prove Soham Can Have A Change Of Heart \
3 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai: These Instances Prove Soham Can Have A Change Of Heart

Even though Soham is currently the vamp on Agga Bai Sasubai, we believe there is still hope for him to change. We think he can become a better person, here's why.
16-Dec-2020 मनोरंजन
Aggabai Sasu Bai: 5 Heartwarming Moments That Prove Soham’s Stepfather Abhijit Is A Good Man And A Doting Dad \
4 min read

Aggabai Sasu Bai: 5 Heartwarming Moments That Prove Soham’s Stepfather Abhijit Is A Good Man And A Doting Dad

On Aggabai Sasu Bai, while we wait for Soham and Abhijit to make amends, here are few heartwarming moments between the duo.
09-Dec-2020 मनोरंजन
Nivedita Saraf Shares A Heartfelt Tribute For Agga Bai Sasubai’s Ajoba Ravi Patwardhan on Instagram \
3 min read

Nivedita Saraf Shares A Heartfelt Tribute For Agga Bai Sasubai’s Ajoba Ravi Patwardhan on Instagram

Nivedita Saraf aka Asawari from Aggabai Sasu Bai recently took to Instagram to share an emotional video of her paying a heartfelt tribute to fellow actor Ravi Patwardhan who passed away last Saturday.
09-Dec-2020 मनोरंजन
Remembering Ravi Patwardhan: How he made us love Asawari’s father-in-law aka Ajoba in Agga Bai Sasubai \
3 min read

Remembering Ravi Patwardhan: How he made us love Asawari’s father-in-law aka Ajoba in Agga Bai Sasubai

As a tribute to veteran actor Ravi Patwardhan, here are a few moments that made us love Asawari's father-in-law aka Ajoba in Agga Bai Sasubai
08-Dec-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga bai Sasubai: 5 Important Steps Shubhra Can Take to Reunite her Family \
3 min read

Agga bai Sasubai: 5 Important Steps Shubhra Can Take to Reunite her Family

As Shubhra is distraught over Asawari and Abhijit's departure from their home, here are 5 things she can do to bring her family back.
28-Nov-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga Bai Sasubai: With Soham taking over Abhijit’s business, here are a few things that can go wrong at work \
3 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai: With Soham taking over Abhijit’s business, here are a few things that can go wrong at work

Soham has now taken over Abhijit's entire business and is failing miserably to keep it up and running, here are 5 things that can go wrong for him
27-Nov-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga Bai Sasubai: Asawari’s Decision To Leave Soham Will Change Him For The Better, Here’s Why \
4 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai: Asawari’s Decision To Leave Soham Will Change Him For The Better, Here’s Why

Saying that Soham has caused many problems for his family would be an understatement. Now that Asawari has left him, here is why we think he will finally become a better man
26-Nov-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga Bai Sasubai 31 October 2020 Written Update: Soham gets kicked out of the society too? \
4 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai 31 October 2020 Written Update: Soham gets kicked out of the society too?

Soham starts doing the watchman's job but Asawari is firm on her decision. Society members get angry on Soham.
30-Oct-2020 मनोरंजन
Agga Bai Sasubai 31 October 2020 Spoiler: Asawari to break all ties with Soham? \
2 min read

Agga Bai Sasubai 31 October 2020 Spoiler: Asawari to break all ties with Soham?

Soham becomes the new watchman of society. Asawari reveals to everyone that she has broken all ties with Soham and they are free to punish him for his wrongdoings.
29-Oct-2020 मनोरंजन