Black Widows, a show starring Mona Singh, Swastika Mukherjee, Shamita Shetty, Sharad Kelkar, and Raima Sen, was released on ZEE5 on 18th December 2020. The show received many praises. Mona Singh, who plays the role of Veera Mehrotra, got a lot of praise for her performance. Recently, the actress shared her winter vacation pictures, and looks like she had a lot of fun!
The actress who also stars in the show Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain, was on a winter vacation in Manali, with her family and friends and shared her fun stories on her Instagram handle.
Looks like Manali saw a good snow season this winter and Mona Singh had the best time in the snowclad locations. Here, she also shared her experience being in an igloo!
Mona Singh has played the role of a distressed wife in Black Widows, who decides to kill her husband, along with her friends, to get out of his toxicity. Unlike the character she plays in the series, she is a very jolly person in real life. Her acting has always been great and she pours her heart out in all her roles!
Also read: Black Widows: We’re Tripping Over Mona Singh’s Priceless Reaction On ‘Killing’ Her Husband
Here is another picture of her, taking ‘snow therapy’!
Who doesn’t love the experience of eating a bowl of hot Maggi while being in the snow-covered mountains of Manali? These pictures of Mona Singh are surely giving us some holiday goals!
Watch this amazing actress in the shows Kehne Ko Humsafar Hain and Black Widows on ZEE5.
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