A few months ago, the news was announced that Priyanka Chopra, Katrina Kaif, and Alia Bhatt will be seen together in an all-female road trip movie which created a buzz on social media. We also got to know that through this movie Farhan Akhtar is all set to get back on his directorial seat.
Recently, Zoya Akhtar took to her Instagram handle and shared a post where she is being seen sharing a video via her Instagram tale where she was seen sharing the script session in a monogram style at Zoya’s house where all three of them gathered to begin a road trip film. She labeled the video with the phrase script session, implying that the three were seen discussing the film and appeared to be very enthusiastic about it.
After her film The Sky Is Pink, Priyanka Chopra appears to be returning to the Bollywood film. When the film was revealed, Priyanka Chopra was overheard claiming that the concept for the film came from Priyanka Chopra, Alia Bhatt, and Katrina Kaif, and the three of them went to the Akhtar”s to discuss it, where they discovered that Farhan was working on a script on the same subject. Priyanka had previously stated that we are here and that it took three years to synchronize all of the schedules, but they made it. She can’t wait to get on the road with both actresses for this film, which is about sisterhood friendship and breaking all the rules.
Zoya Akhtar is a film director and producer who has created several memorable films. She worked as an assistant director on the films Dil Chahta Hai and Lakshya with her brother. Later on, she made her directorial debut with the film Luck By Chance, in which his brother starred. Later, she collaborated with Reema Kagti to helm films such as Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara, Dil Dhadakne Do, Luck By Chance, and others.