SOS Kolkata is the upcoming film on the digital platforms of Zee5. The film stars Yash Dasgupta, Mimi Chakraborty, Nusrat Jahan, and Sabyasachi Chakraborty in the lead roles. The film is all set to release on Zee5 on October 1, 2021. The film talks about a suspected terrorist attack and sheds light on how the army, police, and the people come together to save lives and work against wrongdoings. SOS had originally been released in the theatres and was successful in impressing the audience.
The film starring Mimi Chakraborty promises to give action, bravery, and the importance of family. Now while talking about the lead actress, Mimi, she was listed as the most desirable woman in the Calcutta Times list of Most Desirable Women 2016 and 2020. She is known for her outstanding acting in Bengali films. A while ago while talking to a leading news portal, Mimi said that she is going through a lot as she lost her maternal grandmother in the last week of June. Not only this but, her father was COVID-positive, and her dog Chickoo Junior was unwell as well.
She further added that each one of them was passing through extremely difficult times. In her life, one after another incident happened and it had increased the levels of stress of the actress. In June 2021, Mimi lost her didu, Krishna Chakraborty, at the age of 85 and used to live in Jalpaiguri. She had multiple organ failures and was suffering through pain in her last few days. Mimi said that when she went to Jalpaiguri last time to cast her vote, Krishna was with her. She was not well even at that time, but they used to chat for hours.
(Also Read: SOS Kolkata: Here’s Everything About Yash Dasgupta’s Journey From TV Screen To Big Bollywood Movie)
Mimi also said that she and her elder sister grew under her guidance as their parents used to stay in Arunachal Pradesh back then. From helping them in studies to cooking for them and sending them to school, their didu used to do everything on her own. She used to make amazing kuler achar, chaltar achar and narkoler naru, said Mimi.
While talking about her father, Mimi Chakraborty said that her father also tested positive for COVID-19 in Jalpaiguri but no one told the actress at that time as she would panic. She was informed about the news later by her mother.
The actress is all set for the release of her film, SOS Kolkata. The film will leave no stones unturned when it will get released. SOS Kolkata will impress the audience with its way of telling the story and the acting of the lead actors.