The auspicious festival of Durga Pooja is celebrated all over by the people and our Bollywood celebrities are also taking an active part in the celebration. Kajol, Nusrat Jahan, and Sumona Chakravarty and others were seen at the pandals as they sought blessings from the goddess’. And now, SOS Kolkata’s leading lady Mimi Chakraborty is also celebrating the Durga Puja.
The video of the actress has surfaced on the internet. In the video, Mimi Chakraborty can be seen performing the dhunuchi naach (dance). On the occasion of Navami, yesterday, Mimi visited to seek blessings of the goddess for her bright future and healthy life. She looked dazzling in the traditional Indian saree. Mimi opted for a dark blue coloured designer saree at the Durga Puja. She left her hair open and accessorized herself with the fancy necklace around the neck.
Mimi Chakraborty looked graceful as she tapped her feet on the traditional music. Her flawless dance moves are what has grabbed our attention. The way she twists her body and dances in the flow is a wonder to watch. The constant smile on her face while performing the Dhunuchi naach is even more graceful.
For an unversed, Dhunuchi naach is the traditional dance form of the Bengali people. Dhunachi is a Bengali incense burner used for one of the stages during aarti. The dhunachi has a flared shape and is held by a stem with a large cavity at the top. It is traditionally made of earthenware.
(Also Read: SOS Kolkata: Mimi Chakraborthy Talks About Her Family; Actress Lost Her Didu Earlier This Year)
In the video, in which Mimi Chakraborty can be seen dancing holding the Dhunachi, several people can be seen cheering her and clapping hands. The video also sees another man dancing gracefully. We can also see the glimpse of the goddess Durga in the video.
Mimi Chakraborty has sought blessings from the goddess for her film SOS Kolkata. The film talks about suspected terrorist attacks and puts light on how the army, police, and the people come together to save lives and work against wrongdoings.