A promo from the upcoming episode was shared on social media platforms, wherein Kapil Shrama informed her that many security personnel reached the sets of the show before her arrival. Kapil reportedly said that he and his whole crew were not only scared but wondering what one should do to get this much security. He allegedly asked the same to Kangana and she replied, that a person needs to just speak the truth.
She looked like a South Indian beauty through and through for the show when she arrived in an orange and gold silk saree with a white floral gajra intertwined through her hair. The actress’ beautiful look truly took our breaths away. She looked traditional and exceptionally modern at the same time. We have always loved her saree wardrobe that has never failed to amaze us. In another portion of the video, Kapil also jokingly asked Kangana that it’s been a while since there’s been a controversy and asked her how she felt about the same. The actress couldn’t help but laugh.
The short clip ended with Krushna Abhishek, dressed in his avatar on the show, complaining about Kapil taking down the parlour his character worked in. Amid his rant, he turned to Kangana and said that Kapil broke down Krushna’s parlour. He also said that she would know the best the emotions felt when someone’s personal belongings are torn down. This left Kangana in splits yet again as they hinted about her office being broken down earlier this year.
Her film Thalaivii is based on the life of the late Jayalalithaa, that showcases the varied aspects of her life, tracing her journey as an actress at a young age to becoming the face of Tamil cinema as well as the rise of the revolutionary leader that changed the course of Tamil Nadu politics.