Rakhi Sawant is the true entertainment queen, and she is quite active on social media. Her photos and videos go viral virtually every day. The actor has now posted a video on his Instagram account. Rakhi Sawant has always been known for her boldness, as in her new music video she has the dress as well as the song, she wore a multicolor sequence dress and paired it with a beautiful black broad belt which enhanced the look, while she also had a golden shimmery dress which had seamless ruffle fiber at the collar neck and also on the end of full sleeves dress.
Rakhi Sawant was seen on the screen after a very long time as she didn’t fail to surprise her fans with the new music video, the video has now stood viral on the web as she looked stunning and carried herself beautifully.
Recently, Rakhi Sawant, labeled the Drama Queen of Bollywood, is quite active on social media. She is seen offering straightforward opinions on all issues concerning the sector and the country. Rakhi has recently risen to prominence as a result of one such post. He just announced via social media that he had been admitted to the hospital. Rakhi posted a video in which she stated that she was astonished by Kangana Ranaut’s declaration that she had been admitted to the hospital. In this video, Rakhi is seen lying to Kangana.
(Also Read: Rakhi Sawant Dances On Kamariya With Nawazuddin Siddiqui At Filmfare Awards – Watch The Hilarious Video)
Rakhi Sawant recently posted a video on her Instagram account. In this scene, she is shown laying on a hospital bed. His blood pressure is being checked by a nurse. Rakhi says in the video that her blood pressure has skyrocketed at this time. Rakhi said in the video that she was so taken aback by Kangana Ranaut’s comments that she fell unwell and had to be hospitalized.
Kangana Ranaut had recently said in a news channel program that in 1947, there was no freedom but alms. Kangana said that actually independence was achieved in 2014 when Narendra Modi’s government came. After which he is facing opposition from many people. Rakhi Sawant, expressing displeasure over this statement to Kangana, said that ‘you have got the Padma Shri award in begging’.