Sameera Reddy who is known to speak her mind on various issues has shared a video on mental health on her Instagram. The diva is known to make her fans scroll for endless hours because of her engaging posts and videos. Sameera Reddy’s latest post talks about mental health and how we should deal with anxiety amid the third wave. Also, the video is unmissable and it will give you many takeaways.
Sameera Reddy is a proud mother and her IG will make you smile and give you a sneak peek into her life as well. Sameera Reddy has shared the latest video wherein she talks about mental health and says how she manages to keep calm and does things like play with her kids, or go for a walk whenever she feels like she is feeling anxious or stressed.
Sameera Reddy said that how being aware of your mental health is also a part of your fitness and if your practice the regime we are sure that your mental health will be fit. The actress and her husband Akshai Varde are proud parents to Hans and Nyra. From keeping us healthy and fit via her social media, the actress often mentions how we should embrace our bodies and her professional feed is also unmissable.
Better known as the Messy Mama of IG, the actress will surely leave you with a lot to ponder because of her social media feed. The actress also propagates body positivity and how we must embrace our bodies to the fullest. Her posts often grab headlines and we can’t get over her. Sameera Reddy has garnered a huge fan following because of her posts and videos. The diva will make you an instant fan of hers and Sameera Reddy has a prominent name in the industry as well. You cannot afford to overlook her social media feed. Stay tuned.