Abhishek Bachchan and Chitrangda Singh recently appeared on The Kapil Sharma Show, where the actors were seen having a fun time along with the crew and also saw some of the views on the images they shared on their Instagram and some of the comments shocked the guest Archana Puran Singh
B-Town's superstar Salman Khan, Aayush Sharma, filmmaker Mahesh Manjrekar and Mahima Makwana will grace The Kapil Sharma show with their gracious presence and promote their upcoming film Antim: The Final Truth. Also, Salman Khan will groove with the mentor of the show Archana Puran Singh which will make you go 'Awww'
The Kapil Sharma Show mentor Archana Puran Singh has established a name for herself in the B-Town industry. However, in a shocking video, the actress slapped her son Ayushmaan Sethi and the reason will leave you in splits
Archana Puran Singh who is the special guest of The Kapil Sharma Show revealed that she doesn't laugh at every joke on the comedy show. The actress took a dig at the editors of Comedy Circus
After all the meme festival online, taking things seriously Archana Puran Singh is ready to quit if Navjot Singh Sidhu returns to The Kapil Sharma Show
Navjot Singh Sidhu quit politics in the blink of an eye; Memes about Archana Puran Singh take iver the internet and these will make you cry tears of joy
Archana Puran Singh who was replaced by Navjot Singh Sidhu as The Kapil Sharma Show's judge shares a meme on herself. The meme fest started after Sidhu resigns from the post of Punjab Congress Chief
Amid the pandemic, Archana Puran Singh treated her fans with many inside pictures and videos from her bungalow. Be it the precisely painted walls or a serene garden, Archana has mesmerized everyone with her lavish residence.