Kiara Advani took to her social media account to share a series of photos in which she was looking no less than a barbie as she was clad in all pink outfits. Read on to know more
Kiara Advani always raises the hot couture with her latest posts and videos. Her latest photo in a pink blouse and lehenga is unmissable. The whopping amount of her dress will make your eyebrows raise
Kaira Advani has cemented her career in B-Town with her performances and mesmerizing looks. Now, the actress was seen with her belt bag and uber-cool outfit that will give you major lifestyle goals
Kiara Advani reveals the very first thing she does to kick-start her morning routine and it will leave you inspired for the day. The actress even flashed her million-dollar smile in her video and it will make you fall head over heels for her
Throwing some sass around, Kiara Advani is making every hair flip count in her blue athleisure. The actress was snapped on Thursday making us fall in love with her once again