Kiara Advani was snapped leaving the house of her rumoured boyfriend Sidharth Malhotra on December 22's night. The photos of the actress have surfaced on social media
Sidharth Malhotra and Kiara Adavani has being making headline because of their dating rumores .Recently,Kiara Advani was been snapped outside the residence.
Kiara Advani is an incredibly beautiful Indian actress. She is a well-known name who has had success in the world of acting. The actress was recently spotted in her cool street style attire
Kiara Advani was snapped at a popular eatery in Bandra, recently. The actress looked cute and adorable as a button in a beige top as the shutterbugs snap her
Throwing some sass around, Kiara Advani is making every hair flip count in her blue athleisure. The actress was snapped on Thursday making us fall in love with her once again