Rhea Kapoor and Karan Boolani’s honeymoon pics are complete contrary to their quiet wedding photos. One thing is for certain, the two are having the time of their life ever since they jetted off to the blue skies and pristine waters of Maldives. From their first post on, the couple have had everyone glued to social media for further updates. The latest update Rhea Kapoor shared was in her Insta-stories, where she posted a cutesy boomerang post which will make you run and take some notes on how to post like a boss. Anil Kapoor’s 34year old daughter is giving the junta style instructions with her every update. Rhea can be seen wearing red swimwear, which she paired with a black netted shrug, which should be on every beach-vacationers must have list. The girl looked delectable as she teamed her outfit with minimal accessories, and aced the look with gorgeous black sunglasses. Making the frame picture-perfect was the stunning locale. Rhea didn’t stop at one, her next story had her include Karan in the post too.
The post clearly tells you the two are having a great time. In the video, Rhea zooms right into her husband’s face, while Karan is goofying around. Their infectious laughter warms the heart. As just the third story that has them sitting in a convertible car. Rhea looks breath-taking in her black on black attire while Karan seems to be love-fed and happy as he rests his head on Rhea’s shoulder.
Rhea married her longtime lover Karan Boolani in a low-key wedding on August 14 at the home of her father, Anil Kapoor. Her family threw a star-studded party for the newlyweds two days later. The celebrations were attended by the entire Kapoor khandaan namely – Arjun Kapoor, Janhvi Kapoor, Khushi Kapoor, Shanaya Kapoor, Sanjay Kapoor, Maheep Kapoor, and other family members. Rhea and Karan initially met on the set of her debut film as a producer, Aisha. On the set of the film, he served as an assistant director.