Sanjay Kapoor who won the hearts audience with his performance in the series The Last Hour will be seen in the short film Friction. Friction also featured Shweta Kawaatra in the lead role. Friction’ is about disagreements between middle-aged couple Rahul and Roskija, and the film was co-produced by Anupma Gupta and directed by Sumit Suresh Kumar. This exciting thriller short film will be released on the digital platform on September 30, 2021.
Sanjay Kapoor is a great believer in destiny. The Lust Stories’ actor talked about his marriage with his wife Maheep Kapoor. Sanjay Kapoor recently appeared in an online interview where he talked about his wife Maheep Kapoor who was last seen on a digital show Fabulous Lives of Bollywood Wives. Sanjay Kapoor revealed that in every relationship there are misunderstandings and minor disagreements after 20-30 years in relationships leading to a life-altering decision. Sometimes people separate because of a lack of communication. But Sanjay says that the key to healthy relations is communication and it has to go on. Also accepting own mistakes is important and that’s how the relationship works.
Sanjay Kapoor also added that if you don’t communicate doesn’t mean that there has been no friction. He also said that is just that through good conversation one can deal with that problem they are facing in their relationship. Sanjay Kapoor also shared that things between his wife Maheep Kapoor and him are excellent.
When Sanjay was asked if he likes doing web shows or short films he answers very enthusiastically that when he is in front of the camera, Sanjay is not thinking whether it’s a web show or a short film or he is doing a movie. For Sanjay Kapoor, when he is in front of the camera, the actors are important, the person who is directing him is very important. Sanjay just goes with the flow. The Gone Game actor says that he wants to do good work. Sanjay Kapoor’s aim in life is to entertain the people.