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Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann - Episode 535 - Full Episode

11 Jul 2008 • Episode 535 : Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann - Episode 535 - Full Episode

Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann
U/A 13+
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Jhanvi tells Nikhil that every time Rasik comes home, he has some devious designs to destroy the family but Nikhil puts her doubts to rest. When Menka returns home, she lies that she had gone to the temple. However, Jhanvi and Saraswati notice the muck stains on her sari but don't say anything. Menka looks at Yuvraj's photograph and laments that people here were celebrating their victory while he was languishing in jail. Later, Jhanvi and Saraswati question Menka about the truth but she remains firm about her lie. They caution Menka against being misled by Rasik but Menka assures them that Rasik can never be a good man for her. Meanwhile, Devyani is impressed seeing Gauri tidy Akash's cabin. However, when Tina brings the change in Akash's cabin to his notice, Akash scolds Gauri for cleaning his cabin. Tina too taunts her. In Garodia Niwas, Nikhil and Kshitij announce to the family that they have received all the money for their orders and had got back their factory. Savitri tells Nikhil and Kshitij that the family will never miss having a son with them around. Menka is displeased hearing this. Meanwhile, Devyani summons Gauri and informs her that Goel was very pleased with the travel arrangements done for his troupe from London. Devyani encourages her to continue working hard but also cautions her that Akash is a difficult person to handle. In Garodia Niwas, Baa announces that she would like to hold a religious ceremony to sanctify the factory. She entrusts its responsibility to Menka and Savitri, but Menka is not at the table. Menka looks at Yuvraj's photograph and promises to live a hard life just the way he was living, in jail! Savitri witnesses this and is shocked. Menka tells Savitri that she wishes to punish herself. The next morning, Menka goes to jail with food for Yuvraj but Savitri asserts that like the rest of the family, even Menka will have to adhere to the decision of not meeting Yuvraj.

Details About Ghar Ki Lakshmi Betiyann Show:

Release Date
11 Jul 2008
  • Drama
Audio Languages:
  • Hindi
  • Vikrant Rai; Hemant Thatte
  • Rohini Hattangadi; Nayan Bhatt
  • Yatin Karyekar
  • Tanushree Kaushal
  • Aishwarya Narkar
TV Shows By Language
Hindi TV Shows