Kalyana Vaibhogam is a Telugu drama series that revolves around two lookalike girls, Manga and Nithya, who were born on the same day but were separated by an accident. The show explores the contrasting lives, their relationships and the twists that unite them. This drama TV show comprises 1567 episodes of 22 minutes each.
The Telugu drama TV show Kalyana Vaibhogam was released on 1st May 2017. All the episodes are premiering on the ZEE5 OTT Platform.
The story revolves around the drama that follows the lives of Manga and Nithya, two identical-looking girls with different upbringings. While Nithya is raised in a wealthy family and has a bratty attitude, Manga is raised in a middle-class household with traditional values. Despite their different lifestyles, fate brings them together in unexpected ways. The drama unfolds around the relationships of the two girls with their families and people around them. The curse on the Suryadevara family and the challenges Manga faces due to this curse forms the story ahead.
Meghana Lokesh - Manga and Nithya
Sunny - Surya Devara Jai
Bhavana - Swaroopa Srinivas
Uma Devi - Chandika
Rajiv Ravichandra - Abhiram
Director - Rambabu Potluri & PV Krishna
Producer - K.V Sriram
Cinematography - P. Rama Krishna
Dialogues - Mallikarjun Sana
1. Lead actress Maghana Lokesh plays a double role of Manga and Nithya.
2. The Telugu TV show shows a time leap of 12 years in the storyline.
Kalyana Vaibhgam, a drama series, has won many awards, including the TV9 TV Award for Best TV Show on Zee Telugu in 2017.
No, the show is a work of fiction created by the writers and the producers of the TV show.
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Show Released Date | 1 May 2017 |
Total Episodes | 1566 |
Audio Langauges |
Genres | Drama |