As India’s leading lifestyle and food channel, Zee Zest has a diversified content slate catering to audiences with varied tastes and preferences. The live entertainment channel experiments with multiple formats, curating glocal content with fresh insights across categories, including food, culture, health, homes, and more. Zee Zest brings the promise of a new tomorrow by encouraging audiences to take charge of their life by widening their horizons. You can now stream first-of-its-kind Zee Zest TV shows from the comfort of your couch on ZEE5.
Taking inspiration from India’s diverse culture and exploring international trends, Zee Zest shows capture the viewer's mind with compelling content. From decoding fashion hacks to discovering the intricacies of Maharashtrian culture, you can enjoy a plethora of shows from the live channel on ZEE5. With the brand promise, ‘Unlimit Life’ Zee Zest brings value-added content and stories to inspire a diverse audience. The lifestyle channel also hosts chat shows and interviews featuring renowned personalities to impart wise learnings. By bringing forth progressive content for audiences from all walks of life, Zee Zest has established itself as a powerhouse for lifestyle content for viewers globally.
Zee Zest shows have brought engaging and inspiring stories that spark purposeful conversations. The live channel has launched popular TV shows, such as Fit Fab Feast, Safari India, Grand Truck Rasoi and more. These shows stand apart because of their unique programming and educational context. It embodies the essence of Indian culture, while confidently navigating through international content. By bringing wholesome experiences with a little ‘Zest’, the live channel has been curating quality entertainment that you can easily stream at your convenience on ZEE5. If you are looking to browse all Zee Zest shows on your screens, ZEE5 is the ultimate destination. ZEE5 offers you complete access to browse through the huge archive of TV shows from the channel and get ready to expand your horizons with uninterrupted quality entertainment. With that said, check out the latest episodes from your favourite Zee Zest shows today.